What makes a true disciple of Christ? We are not born a "disciple" and you don't instantly become one by adding a little baptismal water to a new believer. It requires discipline and total commitment.
Our lives are not our own once we accept Jesus as our Savior - we have been bought with the price of Jesus blood. He gave it all for us. So we should love Him supremely - more than anyone or anything in this life. You cannot be a disciple unless you are willing to give up control of your life to Jesus. As I grow older I begin to realize there can never be any coasting in the Christian life. There is no such thing as spiritual retirement.
We should be dangerous disciples in this world doing whatever we can to spoil the work of the devil. But we must also be dedicated disciples to our devoted Lord Jesus Christ. Be that dedicated disciple - spread the Good News today to someone who needs Christ as their Lord and Savior.