Crewsville Bethel Baptist Church
Your Support Center
Prayer Request
Crewsville Bethel Baptist Church is devoted to serving the community by providing the essential support every Child, Adult, and Family needs. We believe in God's awesome power. Nothing is impossible with God. Our prayers are heard by a loving, caring, compassionate Lord and Savior. If you need prayer, please let us pray for you and with you. If you wish, you do not need to enter your name in the email.
Counseling with the Pastor (Tom Heath)
Brother Tom Heath is concerned with your life and problems. Whether it's addictions, social or Family issues, or other problems, remember, NOTHING is impossible with God. We all have PURPOSE and are children of God. YOU HAVE PURPOSE AND VALUE.
Need help facing the big issues in your life. Concerned about your personal salvation, or just need a friend to talk with.