There are all kinds of insurance policies out there today being sold to make us feel "covered" and more "secure". God doesn't offer us insurance, but He does offer us ASSURANCE of all our needs through Jesus Christ.
Assurance means freedom from doubt, certainty - and in Ephesians 2:8 Paul writes "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God". Did you get that? It's God's gift to us - freedom from doubt of His grace, forgiveness of sins, and certainty that we will be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17). But mostly the freedom from doubt of His love for those who believe in and accept His Son Jesus Christ as their Savior. On the other side, we are also assured of God's judgement upon non-believers.
God has many promises to us in the Bible and my hope today is that you already know of God's blessed assurance and can rejoice in all of His promises to you.